SFSA Painting Open
SFSA have a long history of being inclusive and offering opportunity to all artists. The Painting Open was our first ‘open’ launched in 2016. The first 100 artists to register are included in the exhibition each year. Registration usually opens early September and is announced on Instagram.
2024 sees the return of the SFSA Painting Open, the no format Gallery vibrant, end of year show of small format work. We look forward to welcoming you and your friends. #SFSAPaintingOpen
Artist information, Key Dates:
REGISTRATION Friday 6th of September 2024. Now CLOSED.
Payment deadline 4th October
Image and Paperwork submission deadline 1st of November
Work drop off Monday 2nd December
Preview Thursday 5th December - we had fun, thanks to everyone who came.
Work pick up Monday 16th December
Register/questions by email to hannah.cushion@secondfloor.co.uk
Artist Information, Participation Guidelines:
True Open, all submissions accepted and welcomed. We are happy for artists to take a broad interpretation of painting, while using the medium of paint.
115 artists from London and the local counties are warmly welcomed to participate.
One submission per artist.
Submission fee £24 (inc VAT).
Maximum submission size 30 x 30cm (to include any framing).
Each submission to be ‘hanging system ready’ for speed of installation. All work must arrive pre fitted with cord on the back, fitted one quarter below the top of the work.
no commission on sales.
Please only participate if you can make the work drop off and pick up dates, thanks. SFSA reserve the right to gift on or dispose of any work left more than 3 months after specified work collection day.
Postal returns are not possible, sorry.
Participating Artists over the years.